Revolutionize Your
Cover Crop Planting
Introducing the Harvest Seeder
Maximize your time and make seeding your cover crop easier with the innovative Harvest Seeder from Red Barn Solutions, LLC. An air seeder mounts seamlessly to your combine, allowing you to plant cover crops like rye and wheat during corn or soybean harvest. Save time, reduce soil compaction, and improve your crop rotation—all in one pass.
Why Choose the Harvest Seeder?
Highest Time-Saving Efficiency: Plant cover crops without making another pass through the field. No waiting for the field conditions to be right, or for a tractor to be available for a planting pass.
Lowest Operational Cost: 0.9 gallons of fuel per hour to operate the seeder or about $0.16 per acre.
Optimal Seed Placement: Seeds are broadcast under the corn and soybean stalks, shielding them from harsh sun and wind. They land onto bare, non-compacted soil ahead of all wheel traffic.
Reap the Rewards of Cover Crops - It’s Easy! Improve soil structure, prevent erosion, improve water quality and moisture retention with well-timed cover crops.
Whether you’re planting rye, wheat, or other cover crops, the Harvest Seeder ensures precise, efficient application, giving you more control over your field’s future. Boost your harvest and protect your soil with Red Barn Solutions’ Harvest Seeder—because smart farming starts from the ground up.
With the Harvest Seeder, you’re no longer tied to a second pass through your fields to apply cover crops. Here’s why it’s the tool you’ve been waiting for:
Why the Harvest Seeder is Right for Your Farm
Efficiency Meets Convenience: Harvest and seed simultaneously, cutting down on labor, fuel, and time.
Protect Your Soil: Reduce soil compaction and give your cover crops a head start by planting them under the protective canopy of harvested corn and soybean stalks.
Optimized Germination: The cover crop seeds are shielded from the sun and wind, preserving moisture and germinating faster after the first rainfall.
Easy Integration: The Harvest Seeder is designed to mount directly onto your combine, making it a simple addition to your existing setup without compromising your harvesting performance.
Transform Your Operation—and Your Bottom Line
By investing in the Harvest Seeder, you’re not just saving time and reducing costs—you’re setting the foundation for better crop rotation, improved soil health, and stronger future yields. Farmers using cover crops report a reduction in soil erosion and an increase in organic matter, leading to more resilient fields year-round.
Operational Costs for seeding 500 acres
Let’s consider the operational costs of seeding 500 acres of cover crop.
First, we find our seeding productivity: Width of Head (ft) x Ground Speed (mph) X 5280 and divide by 43560.
Our combine has a 45 ft head and will harvest at 4 mph for a seeding productivity of 21.82 acres/hour.
The Harvest Seeder’s independent hydraulic motor requires 0.9 gallons of fuel per hour to run the seeder. With the 45 ft head, that’s 0.041 gal per acre of fuel for planting.
We could buy diesel at $3.75/gal, and for example, 500 acres will cost $77.79 in extra fuel to seed. FUEL: $0.16 per acre.
At this harvest speed, we need about 23 hours for harvest, and we’ll add an extra hour for every 8 harvest hours for the time spent filling the seeder. About 3 more hours of labor. We can budget $100 for the 500 acres. LABOR: $0.20 per acre.
Without any wear parts, or grease zerks, we aren’t looking at much for maintenance. The hydraulic oil is fully isolated, and we will budget to change the oil in 7 years for this scenario. We can budget $57 per year for this expense and any smaller ones. MAINTENANCE: $0.11 per acre.
A tractor and drill at the same 21.82 acres/hour of productivity (30ft x 6mph) will cost $1,368 in fuel and $962.50 labor (27.50 hours @ $35/hr).
Maintenance we estimate to be about $1,925 for the tractor and drill.
This is an operational difference of over $4,000 in expenses for 500 acres.
Our yearly cost of operation (fuel, labor, maintenance) across 500 acres we expect to be $0.47 per acre compared to $8.51 per acre for a tractor/drill.
Fewer Passes. Less Compaction. More Profit.
With one less trip across the field, you’re reducing fuel costs, equipment wear, and labor expenses—while protecting your land from the damage that traditional methods can cause.
Ready to Revolutionize Your Harvest?
Now is the time to take your farm to the next level with the Harvest Seeder. Maximize your efficiency, safeguard your soil, and simplify your harvest season with this powerful piece of equipment.
Contact us.
Dan Puck
Product Engineer & Co-Owner
(712) 790-9587
Mark Trapolino
Business Development & Co-Owner
1132 100th Street,
Manning, Iowa 51455